Installing Thumbor Community ShortenerΒΆ

  1. Install thumbor (see Thumbor repository)
  2. Install Thumbor Community Core
  3. Clone this repository.
  4. If you’ve set a virtualenv up for thumbor, activate it.

5. Install the Thumbor Community Shortener:

$ cd thumbor-community/shortener
$ pip install .

6. Register the extension within Thumbor’s configuration file:


7. Configure the extension within the same file:

SHORTENER_STORAGE   = 'tc_shortener.storages.redis_storage'         # Shortener storage class name
SHORTENER_GENERATOR = 'tc_shortener.generators.sha256_generator'    # Shortener generator class name

8. Launch thumbor with the Thumbor Community custom application:

$ thumbor --conf=my_configuration_file -a